Section 17.08.020   Zoning map.
   A.   District Boundaries.
      1.   The boundaries of the districts created by section 17.08.010(A) shall be as shown on the Official Village of Winnetka Zoning Map, which is made a part of the ordinance codified in this title.
      2.   The C-2 Commercial Overlay shall consist of the first fifty (50) feet of lot depth from the front property line in the following areas:
         a.   Hubbard Woods:
            i.   The east and west sides of Green Bay Road from the center line of Scott Avenue to the center line of Tower Road, except for Hubbard Woods Park.
            ii.   The north and south sides of Gage Street from the western boundary of the C-2 General Retail Commercial District to the eastern boundary of said district, except for Hubbard Woods Park.
         b.   East Elm:
            i.   The north side of Elm Street from the east boundary of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way to the west boundary of Arbor Vitae Park.
            ii.   The south side of Elm Street from the east boundary of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way to the east lot line of the property commonly known as 714 Elm Street.
            iii.   The west side of Lincoln Avenue from the north lot line of the property commonly known as 572 Lincoln Avenue to the center line of Elm Street.
            iv.   The east side of Lincoln Avenue from the northern boundary of the C-2 General Retail Commercial District to the southern boundary of said district.
         c.   West Elm:
            i.   The west side of Chestnut Street from the center line of Spruce Street to the center line of Oak Street.
            ii.   The east side of Chestnut Street from the center line of Spruce Street to the center line of Oak Street.
            iii.   The north and south sides of Elm Street from the western boundary of the C-2 General Retail Commercial District to the center line of Green Bay Road.
            iv.   The north and south sides of Chestnut Court.
            v.   The north side of Spruce Street from the east lot line of the property commonly known as 841 Spruce Street/594 Green Bay Road to the center line of Green Bay Road.
            vi.   The south side of Spruce Street from the east lot line of the property commonly known as 844 Spruce Street to the center line of Green Bay Road.
      3.   The boundaries of the WTSF, Wireless Telecommunications Service Facilities Overlay Districts, shall be as shown on the Appendix to the Official Village of Winnetka Zoning Map.
      4.   The boundaries of the Lakefront Preservation Overlay District are as shown on the Appendix to the Official Village of Winnetka Zoning Map.
   B.   Map and Appendix. The Official Village of Winnetka Zoning Map and Appendix shall be filed in the office of the Zoning Administrator of Community Development.
   C.   Map Interpretation Rules. Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of the various districts as shown on such map, the following rules shall apply:
      1.   Unless otherwise shown and where the zoning map indicates that the various districts are approximately bounded by street or alley lines, the centerline of such street or alley shall be deemed to be the boundary of such district.
      2.   Unless otherwise shown and where the zoning map indicates that the various districts are approximately bounded by block or lot lines, such block or lot lines shall be deemed to be the boundary of such district.
      3.   In the event that conflicts arise between the Official Village of Winnetka Zoning Map which is filed in the office of the Zoning Administrator and copies which may accompany the text of this title upon its sale to the general public, the boundaries of the various districts shall be as shown on the Official Village of Winnetka Zoning Map, not the copy.
      4.   Questions concerning the exact locations of district boundary lines shall be resolved by the Village Council.
(MC-07-2023 § 3, Amended, 07/18/2023; MC-01-2019 § 3, Amended, 04/04/2019; MC-2-2015 § 3, Amended, 02/17/2015; Ord. MC-4-2009 § 2, 2009)