Any person causing a false alarm of an alarm system, as defined in Section 8.04.020 of this code, shall become obligated to pay a false alarm fee in an amount as follows:
False Alarm Fee Schedule
Number of False Alarms Police False Alarms Fire False Alarms
(Occurring During a (Occurring During a
Twelve Month Interval) (Twelve Month Interval)
1 and 2 No charge No charge
3 - 5 $50.00 each $50.00 each
6 - 9 $100.00 each $100.00 each
10 and above $200.00 each $150.00 each
(Ord. MC-2-2011, 2/15/2011; Ord. MC-228-99 § 7 (part), 1999: prior code §§ 4.12, 24.07; Ord. MC-06-2004 § 4, 05/04/2004)