A.   Evaluation Criteria: Tree evaluation criteria will include:
Species (scientific and common names)
Diameter of trunk at breast height
Diameter of drip line from trunk
Rating of tree condition (see below)
   B.   Tree Rating Guidance: The general condition of each tree shall be rated as follows:
Trees having less than 10 percent deadwood in the crown that is attributable to normal causes, have no other observed problems, and require no remedial action.
Trees having less than 20 percent deadwood in the crown and have only 1 or 2 minor problems that are easily corrected with normal care.
Trees having less than 30 percent deadwood in the crown, with 1 or 2 minor problems that are not eminently lethal to the tree and no significant decay or structural problems, but the tree requires remedial care above normal care in order to ensure continued health.
Trees having over 50 percent deadwood in the crown, major decay or structural problems, and/or severely involved with insects, disease, or other problems that even if corrected would not result in the long term survival of the tree.
Tree exhibiting less than 10 percent sign of life.
(Ord. 2010-04-07, 4-1-2010)