The procedure for road extension along property not owned by a person desiring to extend a road shall be as follows:
   A.   Preliminary Survey; Costs:
      1.   If the owner of one or more lots, blocks, tracts or parcels of land within the corporate limits of the village desires to construct a road fronting on a lot, block, tract or parcel of land within the corporate limits of the village, which the aforesaid owner does not own, he shall have the engineer for the village make a preliminary survey of the premises and report to the village board of trustees as to the feasibility of such construction and the property owner desiring such construction shall pay the cost of such preliminary engineering service.
      2.   If it appears from the report of the engineer for the village that the road extension is feasible, the property owner requesting such extension, if he desires to proceed with such construction fronting on land which he does not own, shall direct the village to estimate the cost of the same, and said property owner will deposit with the village the amount of the engineer's estimated fee.
      3.   When the engineer for the village has completed the plans and specifications for the construction of the extension of the roads, and estimated the cost thereof, the property owner requesting such extension shall be advised of the estimated cost of such work; and, if he decides not to proceed further, the money he has deposited will be used to pay the engineer's charges for preparing the plans, specifications and estimate of the cost of said work.
   B.   Bids For Construction; Payment Of Costs: If the estimate of the engineer for the village is acceptable to the property owner requesting the road extension, the village board of trustees will take bids for the construction of the work specified in the plans and specifications prepared by the engineer for the village, and will exhibit such bids, when received, to the property owner. If one of the bids is acceptable, the property owner will deposit with the village an amount of money sufficient to pay the entire cost of constructing said extension, including engineering, inspection and legal fees, if any, and the village treasurer shall hold the money so deposited in a separate bank account to be used for no purpose other than to pay for the cost of constructing the road extension.
   C.   Village Contract For Construction: Upon the deposit of the money provided for in subsection A2 of this section, the village board of trustees will enter into a contract with the successful bidder for the construction of the requested road extension, and the work shall be done under the supervision of the engineer for the village. Payments for the work shall be made by the village from the funds deposited therewith upon payment estimates from time to time received from the engineer for the village, and which have been approved by the village board of trustees.
   D.   Village Contract With Property Owner: If the road extension requested by the property owner, and for which he is willing to pay, passes or can be adapted to serve any property not owned by said property owner, the village will enter into a contract with the property owner, which contract shall be in a form prepared by the village and approved by the village board and property owner. (Ord. 228, 6-11-1959; amd. 1994 Code)