A.   Generally: The members of the police force of the village while on duty shall devote their full time and attention to the discharge of their duties according to the laws of the state and ordinances of the village and the rules and regulations of the department to preserve order, peace and quiet and enforce the laws and ordinances throughout the village. (Ord. 447, 2-14-1974)
   B.   Arrest Powers: The members of the police force shall have power to arrest as provided in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-1-2(a).
   C.   Serve Warrants And Processes: The members of the police force shall have power and authority and it shall be their duty to serve and execute warrants and other processes in the village for the summoning, apprehension and commitment of any person charged with violation of any provision of the village ordinances, or with any crime or misdemeanor, or offense against the laws of the village or state.
   D.   Assist Fire Department: It shall be the duty of members of the police force to aid the fire department by giving alarms in case of fire and by clearing the streets and grounds in the immediate vicinity of a fire so that the members of the fire department shall not be hindered or obstructed in the performance of their duties.
   E.   Restrictions On Duties: No member of the police force shall be assigned to any duty other than that strictly in line of police work. (Ord. 447, 2-14-1974; amd. 1994 Code)