A.   License Required: There shall be and is hereby established a license requirement for the ownership and operation within the corporate limits of the village of coin operated automatic amusement devices. No person shall place, install, maintain or operate in any building or place within the village any mechanical, coin controlled amusement devices, including coin controlled mechanical musical devices for use by the public and for which a fee is charged, without first having obtained a license for each place or location where such automatic, coin controlled amusement device shall be installed, maintained or operated.
   B.   Application For License: Any person desiring the license required in and by this section shall make application for that purpose to the village clerk, which application shall set forth the full name of the applicant and his address, the location and character of the building or place where such devices are to be located, maintained and operated, the number of each, the type of each and the charge to be made to the customer for operating such device.
   C.   License Fees: The annual license fee for each device shall be as follows:
Mechanical amusement device
Musical, coin operated mechanical amusement device
(Ord. 241, 2-19-1960; amd. 1994 Code)