Sign-Posting Permit
709.01   Advertisements, handbills, signs, etc.
709.02   Rates for location and placement.
709.03   Littering.
709.99   Penalty.
Signs - see P. & Z. Art. 1365
   (a)   No individual, organization, partnership, business or corporation, desiring to post any materials, posters, plaques, etc. shall do so within the Town of Winfield before applying to procure a posting permit with the Recorder or designee. All individuals, organizations, partnerships, businesses or corporations, shall state his/their/its name, address, the purpose for which the permit is sought, place or places of intended posting, period of time during which the posted material is to endure, and the person who is responsible for the removal of the posted material.
   (b)   This does not and shall not apply to signs located on private property or events sponsored by non-profit organizations or by individuals such as but not limited to yard sales, fund raising events, garage sales, etc., located on public property.
(Ord. 1999-2000-05. Passed 9-7-99.)
   (a)   Applications for a sign posting permit shall be accompanied by a refundable permit bond payable to the City of Winfield in the amount of $100.00.
   (b)   All printed materials, posters, plaques, etc. shall be removed within five days after the event.
(Ord. 2018-2019-3. Passed 7-10-18.)
   (c)   Upon the removal of the posted material, within the allotted time, such permit bond shall be refunded; however, the bond shall be forfeited if the posted material is not removed by the required date as stated on the application for the permit.
   (a)   No papers, handbills, cards, circulars, political advertisements or advertising matter of any kind shall be thrown, pushed, cast, deposited, dropped, scattered, distributed or left in or upon any street, sidewalk or other public place, or upon any vacant lot or premises within the Town, if it is likely that the material might be blown by the wind upon the streets or public places within the Town; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not prevent the delivery of newspapers within the Town.
   (b)   No structure of any kind to be used as a sign for advertising of any sort, shall be built, placed, erected, hung or left in or upon any street, sidewalk or other public place, within Town, except such as may lawfully be allowed under the zoning ordinance of the Town.
(Ord. 1999-2000-05. Passed 9-7-99.)