Application for a salvage yard permit shall be made, in writing, to the Putnam County Planning Commission and shall include all information requested in the approved application form provided by the Planning Commission, including a site location map and a sketch plan.
   (a)   An application conference with the Planning Commission Staff shall be scheduled to assist applicant in preparation of the Community Impact Statement as required in subsection (g) hereof. The Planning Commission Director and a member of the Planning Commission shall then determine the necessity for review by the entire Planning Commission and general public based on the magnitude of the impact of the salvage yard as determined in the Community Impact Statement.
   (b)   If it is determined that review of the application by the entire Planning Commission and public hearing is unnecessary, the Planning Commission shall place a notice with a newspaper having general circulation within the affected area stating the location of the proposed salvage yard and providing an opportunity for the public to request a public hearing on the proposal. If no such request is made to the Planning Commission within five working days of the publication notice, the Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove the application within thirty days following the receipt of all requested information. A copy of the letter of approval or disapproval shall be forwarded to the Department of Highways.
   (c)   If review by the Planning Commission and public hearing is determined to be necessary, or is requested by the public, the Planning Commission shall place a notice in a newspaper having general circulation within the affected area no less than ten days prior to the meeting advising the public of the Community Impact Evaluation and public hearing on the application.
   (d)   The Planning Commission shall approve, approve with conditions or disapprove a salvage yard proposal within thirty days from completion of the public hearing. Failure to take action within the thirty days shall result in the approval of the application, unless a waiver of this time period is granted to the Planning Commission by the applicant. A copy of the letter of approval and, if applicable, the conditions of approval, or disapproval shall be forwarded to the Department of Highways.
   (e)   If the salvage yard application is disapproved, the applicant is advised in writing of the Planning Commission action and of the specific reasons upon which the action was based.
   (f)   Where a salvage yard proposal appears to the Planning Commission to have a significant impact on the community in terms of physical, social or economic aspects as determined in the Community Impact Statement, the applicant may be required to submit a detailed site plan prepared by a licensed surveyor or engineer indicating the specific site characteristics, proposed storm water management plans, erosion and sediment controls and detailed construction plans for all improvements.
   (g)   A Community Impact Statement as to the effects of the salvage yard shall include the following information:
      (1)   General information. 
         A.   Tract size, shape and location, vicinity map.
         B.   Number, approximate size, location and intended function or use of proposed buildings on the site, easements and/or right-of-ways, and setbacks.
         C.   Description of proposed contents of salvage yard.
         D.   Hours of operation.
         E.   Identification of possible storage or discharge of hazardous wastes.
         F.   Review by the local Soil Conservation Service to determine general description of surface conditions; soil and drainage characteristics; existing natural features.
         G.   Sketch of proposed storm water run-off and control.
         H.   Evidence that an application has been made for other required permits and/or licenses including an encroachment permit from the W.V. Department of Highways.
      (2)   Physical impacts.
         A.   Earthwork and its ramifications.
         B.   Groundwater and surface water resources: use, depletion, contamination, flow change.
         C.   Compatibility of the proposal with the surrounding area in terms of land use and visual appearance, noise generated, and offensive odors.
         D.   Impact on sensitive natural areas.
      (3)   Social impacts.
         A.   Traffic characteristics: type and frequency of traffic; adequacy and safety of existing transportation routes and facilities; origin and destination of traffic.
         B.   Parking areas.
         C.   Fire and police protection: on site measures proposed to minimize the risk of fire and steps to minimize vandalism.
         D.   Sewer and water facilities.
      (4)   Economic impacts.
         A.   Property tax evaluation.
         B.   Local employment implications.
         C.   Expected changes in property values of community properties.
   (h)   Fees.
      (1)   The fee for the approval permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00), payable upon the filing of the application.
      (2)   The approved permit shall be displayed along with license from the Commissioner of the West Virginia Department of Highways in a place readily accessible for general public inspection.