301.01 Meaning of words and phrases.
301.02 Authorized emergency vehicle.
301.03 Bicycle.
301.04 Bus.
301.05 Business district.
301.06 Controlled-access highway.
301.07 Crosswalk.
301.08 Driver.
301.083 Electric bicycles.
301.085 Electric personal assistive mobility device.
301.09 Explosives.
301.10 Flammable liquid.
301.11 Gross weight.
301.12 Intersection.
301.13 Laned roadway.
301.14 Moped.
301.15 Motorcycle.
301.16 Motor-driven cycle.
301.17 Motor vehicle.
301.18 Owner.
301.19 Park.
301.20 Parking area.
301.201 Passenger van.
301.21 Pedestrian.
301.22 Person.
301.23 Pole trailer.
301.24 Police officer.
301.25 Private road or driveway; private property.
301.26 Railroad.
301.27 Railroad sign or signal.
301.28 Railroad train.
301.29 Residence district.
301.30 Residential street.
301.31 Right of way.
301.32 Roadway.
301.33 Safety zone.
301.34 School bus.
301.35 School grounds.
301.36 Semitrailer.
301.37 Sidewalk.
301.38 Stop.
301.39 Stop, stopping or standing.
301.40 Street or highway; alley.
301.41 Through street or through highway.
301.42 Traffic.
301.43 Traffic control devices.
301.44 Traffic control signal.
301.45 Trailer.
301.46 Truck.
301.47 Vehicle.
301.48 Wheelchair.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Speed race defined - see TRAF. 335.04