(a)   Fee Assessment. An annual fee is hereby assessed and shall be collected from the owner of each and every vacant structure registered with the City as determined by the following scale (provided that the time for calculating the fee shall be measured from the month the vacant structure was registered with the City):
      (1)   No fee shall be imposed where the structure is vacant for less than twelve (12) consecutive months;
      (2)   A fee of $ 1,000.00 shall be imposed where the structure is vacant for not less than twelve (12) months nor more than twenty-four (24) months;
      (3)   A fee for $ 2,000.00 shall be imposed where the structure is vacant for not less than twenty-five (25) months nor more than thirty-six (36) months;
      (4)   A fee of $ 3,000.00 shall be imposed where the structure is vacant for not less than thirty-seven (37) months nor more than forty-eight (48) months;
      (5)   A fee of $ 4,000.00 shall be imposed where the structure is vacant for not less than forty-nine (49) months nor more than sixty (60) months;
      (6)   A fee of $ 5,000.00 shall be imposed where the structure is vacant not less than sixty-one (61) months nor more than seventy-two (72) months, and;
   (b)   Challenging Fee Assessed. Any owner asserting that a registered vacant structure was occupied on any specific date had the burden of establishing by adequate proof that occupancy occurred on a later date.
   (c)    For purposes of challenging the fee assessed, evidence offered to prove a structure is occupied may include, but shall not be limited to, the receipt or delivery of regular mail through the U.S. Postal Service; evidence demonstrating the delivery and payment for telephone, cable, Internet, electric, gas, water and sewer services for a period of not less than one hundred eighty (180) days without interruptions of more than thirty (30) consecutive days; a valid city business license; or recent federal, state or city income statements indicating that the subject structure is the official personal or business residence of the owner, persons or businesses claiming occupancy of the subject structure.
(Ord. 2021-2022-3. Passed 11-9-21.)