(a)   Whenever any house, building or structure is erected or located after the initial establishment of the uniform numbering system as provided herein, it shall be the duty of the property owners to procure the correct number or numbers for the property and to affix these numbers to the building in accordance to this article. The owner shall place or cause to be placed upon each house or building controlled by him the number or numbers assigned under the uniform number system within thirty days of notification of the assigned address. The cost of posting the address shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
   (b)   The owner shall file an application for an address assignment with the Winfield Addressing Coordinator. The address must be issued not later than 60 days following identification of address and installed on the structure prior to final inspection by the Winfield Building Inspector.
   (c)   Display of number of residential structure. Each primary structure must display the number of the address assigned to that address. The street number for residences shall be in accordance with the BOCA National Property Maintenance Code, Section PM-303.3, Exterior Structure, Premises Identification. The numbers shall be in Arabic numerals at least four inches in height, and of a durable and clearly visible material. The numbers shall be placed on, above, or at the side of the main entrance so the number is clearly visible from the public right-of-way. Whenever a residence entrance is greater than fifty feet from a public right-of-way, or not clearly visible from the public right-of-way, a number shall also be placed at the end of a driveway, or property entrance. Address numbers are to be a contrasting color to the background on which they are mounted.
   (d)   The owner or person in charge of any house, building, mobile home, or other structure to which a number has been assigned shall affix the number as outlined in this article within thirty days after receipt or notification of such number.
   (e)   Display of Number:
      (1)   Commercial and industrial structure. Address numbers for commercial and industrial structures must follow BOCA PM 303.3 code regulations of at least six inches in height. The number must be placed above or on the main entrance to the structure when possible. If such number is not clearly visible from the public right-of-way, the number must be placed along a driveway or on a sign visible from the same. Address numbers are to be a contrasting color to the background on which they are mounted.
      (2)   Apartments and similar. The address number assigned to a single building number shall be displayed on each assigned structure following the BOCA PM 303.3 code. Numbers and/or letters for individual apartments or units within these complexes must be displayed on, above, or to the side of the main doorway of each apartment or unit. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to affix apartment or unit numbers.
      (3)   Trailer park and similar. The address number assigned to a trailer within an organized trailer park must be one address number for the trailer park with each trailer assigned a lot or space number. The lot or space number must be posted and permanently affixed to the lot identifying the lot or space number. The main address to the trailer park must be posted at the entrance of the park. Address numbers are to be a contrasting color to the background on which they are mounted.
   (f)   The combination of such an address number and the road or street name must be the official address of such primary structure.
   (g)   All costs to individuals, households or businesses in complying with this section must be borne by that individual, household or business.
(Ord. 2003-2004-01. Passed 12-9-03.)