(a)   Council, hereby creates a Town of Winfield Municipal Building Commission to have all authority and powers allowed pursuant to State law (or any successor statutes) and which shall consist of five members. All members shall be appointed for a term of five years except that the initial appointment shall be made so that the terms of the initial board shall expire on a yearly staggered basis. The appointments to said Commission shall be made by the Winfield Town Council. No more than two thirds of the total number of members shall be from the same political party nor shall any member of the Commission hold any office or employment under the United States of America, the State of West Virginia, any county or political subdivision thereof, or any political party. All members of the Commission must be residents of the Town of Winfield. The members of the Commission may not receive compensation for their services but may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses.
   (b)   The Winfield Municipal Building Commission shall be formed as a public corporation with perpetual existence as outlined in West Virginia Code Section 8-33-2.
(Ord. 2001-2002-07. Passed 5-13-02.)