A.   Open Excavations: No landowner or tenant shall permit an excavation for a basement, or other excavation hazardous to human life, to remain open on land owned or occupied by any person, firm or corporation without covering the same securely to prevent injuries to persons; provided, however, that the same may remain open during the course of construction or for the purpose of cleaning the same. (1990 Code §4-101)
   B.   Warning Signs Required: No excavation hazardous to human life shall be permitted to remain open unless the same is properly safeguarded at all times by barricades and warning signs. (1990 Code §4-102)
   C.   Abandoned Excavations: All excavations, hazardous to human life, which are no longer in use or have been abandoned shall be filled with earth to the level of the surrounding ground. An excavation for the basement of a building shall be deemed to have been abandoned when construction has stopped for a period of thirty (30) days. (1990 Code §4-103)
   D.   Hazardous Excavations: Any excavation shall be determined to be prima facie hazardous to human life if its depth exceeds two feet (2'). (1990 Code §4-104)