(a)   Development Permitted. Regardless of the size of a lot of record that legally existed as of March 20, 2012, and subject to subsection (b) below, such lot may be developed for any use permitted in the district in which the lot is located, provided that where setback, width, open space, density, or other requirements made development impractical, the Board of Zoning Appeals may permit development to occur after granting specific variances.
   (b)   Consolidation Required. If two or more lots or parcels are contiguous, in single and common ownership, and are of record as of March 20, 2012, or amendments thereto, and if all or part of the lots or parcels with no principal structures thereon do not meet the minimum lot area requirements set forth in the applicable district regulations of this Code, then the lands involved shall be considered to be a single, undivided parcel for the purposes of this Code. No portion of such parcel shall be used or sold in a manner that renders compliance with the lot area requirements set forth in this Code less feasible, nor shall any division of any parcel be made that creates a lot with a width or area less than the requirements set forth in this Code.
(Ord. 2013-69. Passed 12-17-13.)