155.071   JURY DUTY.
   (a)   Each full-time employee of the City or any department thereof, whether paid on a salaried or on an hourly basis, when called for jury duty by any court of record shall receive his or her regular salary or wages from the City while serving on the jury upon submission to the Mayor of proof of such jury service.
   (b)   Each employee who receives compensation from the City while serving on jury duty shall remit to the City any and all jury duty pay received for such jury service. If an employee finishes jury duty early during the course of the employee's work schedule, the employee shall be required to report for work for the balance of his or her work schedule.
All employees shall further be required to work as much of his or her work schedule as possible before reporting for jury duty taking into account reasonable travel time.
(Ord. 2012-64. Passed 11-20-12.)