   “Multiple dwelling”, as used in this chapter, means:
   (a)   A building occupied for permanent residential purposes by more than two families and in which the rooms are occupied in apartments, suites or groups, each comprising a dwelling unit, and shall include, without limitation thereto, apartment houses, apartment hotels, studio apartments, bachelor apartments, duplex apartments, kitchenette apartments, garden-type apartments and condominiums, provided, however, that garden-type apartments or similar structures consisting of more than one building, which are under common ownership, lease or management and which are occupied by one or two families shall be deemed multiple dwellings; and
   (b)   A building occupied transiently, as a temporary abode of individuals or families with or without meals, and in which, as a rule, the rooms are occupied singly and not as dwelling units, and shall include, among others, hotels, lodging houses, rooming houses, boarding houses, tourist homes, motels, club houses with sleeping accommodations, fraternity houses, sorority houses, dormitories, convents, monasteries and school and college buildings containing sleeping accommodations.
(Ord. 92-42. Passed 7-21-92.)