New Work. No building or its equipment or appurtenances, to which the International Building Code is applicable under Section 1307.03, shall be erected, constructed or installed, except in conformity with such Code.
(Ord. 2005-30. Passed 3-15-05.)
(a) When the Municipality finds that work or equipment is contrary to this chapter, approved plans therefor or the International Building Code, notice in writing shall be sent to the owner of the building involved or his or her agent. The notice shall state where and in what respect the work or equipment does not conform to such lawful requirements and shall specify a reasonable period of time in which to conform.
(b) Prior to enforcement of Ohio R.C. Chapters 3781 and 3791, or any rules adopted pursuant thereto, including the International Building Code, as adopted in Section 1307.01, any remedy, civil or criminal, the Municipality shall issue an adjudication order within the meaning of the Ohio R.C. 119.06 to 119.13 or a stop work order as provided in Section 4101:2-1-36 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
(c) Every adjudication order shall cite the law or rules directly involved and shall specify what appliances, site preparations, additions or alterations to structures, plans, materials, assemblages or procedures are necessary for the same to comply with Ohio R.C. Chapters 3781 and 3791 and/or any rules adopted pursuant thereto, including the provisions of the International Building Code adopted in Section 1307.01.
(d) The order shall include notice to the party of the procedure for appeal and right to a hearing if requested within 30 days of the mailing of the notice. The notice shall also inform the party that at the hearing he or she may be represented by counsel, present his or her arguments or contentions, orally or in writing, and present evidence and examine witnesses appearing for or against him or her.
(e) Upon the issuance of any order provided for herein or in Section 4101:21-36 of the Ohio Administrative Code, the person receiving such order shall cease work upon the site preparations or structure to be constructed or, in the case of an industrialized unit, the installation of the unit, or shall cease using the appliance, materials, assemblages or manufactured product identified in the order until such time as the appeal provided for in accordance with the provisions of Ohio R.C. 3781.19, and all appeals from such hearing, have been completed, or the order herein has been released.
(f) Failure to cease work after receipt of a stop work order as provided in Section 4101:2-1-36 of the Ohio Administrative Code is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
(Ord. 2005-30. Passed 3-15-05.)
At least one copy of the Code adopted in Section 1307.01 is on file with the Clerk of Council for inspection by the public. At least one copy of such Code is also on file in the County Law Library. In addition, the Clerk of Council shall keep copies of such Code available for distribution to the public, at cost.
(Ord. 2005-30. Passed 3-15-05.)
(a) Whenever a provision of the International Building. Code, as adopted in Section 1307.01, conflicts with a provision of the Ohio Fire Code or any other order, standard or rule of the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of State Fire Marshal, the provision of the International Building Code shall control, except that rules adopted and orders issued by the Fire Marshal pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 3743 prevail in the event of a conflict.
(b) Whenever a provision of the International Building Code, as adopted in Section 1307.01, conflicts with a provision of any other standard technical code adopted by the Municipality, other than as provided in subsection (a) hereof, or any ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation of Council, the stricter standard shall control.
(c) When a special provision is made in a use group classification of the International Building Code and is inconsistent with a general provision of the International Building Code relating to buildings generally, the special provision governs, unless it appears that the provisions are cumulative.
(Ord. 2005-30. Passed 3-15-05.)
(a) Row Houses Prohibited. Row houses shall not be constructed in the City, and no permit therefore shall be issued.
(b) Plans and Specifications. Two or more copies of plans and specifications shall accompany each application. Plans shall be drawn with sufficient clarity of indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed. Such plans and specifications, including the mechanical and electrical, together shall contain information sufficient to indicate that the work proposed will conform to the provisions of this Code and all other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Such information shall be specific, and this Code shall not be cited as a whole or in part, nor shall the term "legal" or its equivalent, be used as a substitute for specific information. With each set of plans and specifications, the applicant shall furnish the address of the work and the name and address of the owner and the name and address of the person who prepared the plans.
(c) Opening Protective. An assembly of approved component parts of materials and accessories, including any incidental frames, mullions, muntins, anchors, and hardware, which when installed in an opening in a wall, partition, floor or roof prevents the passage of flame, heat, fumes, and smoke through the opening for a specified period.
(d) Waste Disposal. The owner shall provide and maintain an approved incinerator and receptacles in an approved enclosure, for rubbish, ashes and refuse, and other waste matter. Provisions of this section may be waived by the Building Inspector, if deemed not applicable to the particular occupancy.
(e) Foundation Walls - General. Foundation walls shall be of sufficient strength and thickness to resist lateral pressures from adjacent earth and to support their vertical loads without exceeding the allowable stresses. Foundation walls or their footings shall extend not less than three fee six inches below an adjoining surface exposed to freezing.
(f) Existing Outdoor Signs and Display Structures. Within one year after the date of the adoption of this section, all painted wall signs applied directly on the wall of a building shall be painted over to blend in with the existing walls.
(g) Depth. Footings and foundations of permanent structures shall be carried down not less than three feet six inches from the adjoining ground surface exposed to freezing.
(h) Grease Interceptors; Commercial Buildings. A grease interceptor shall be installed in-the waste line leading from sinks, drains, or other fixtures in the following establishments:
(1) Restaurants;
(2) Hotel kitchens or bars;
(3) Factory cafeterias or restaurants, clubs, or other establishments where grease can be introduced into the drainage system in quantities that can affect line stoppage or hinder sewage disposal.
(i) Authority of Building Inspector. This section shall not be deemed to impair the authority of the Building Inspector to expect particular types of occupancy from the requirements of the Codified Ordinances pertaining to incinerators.
(j) Clearance. The minimum clearance from any sidewalk or walk level to the underside of a marquee sign shall be nine feet.
(k) Size Limitations. The size of any temporary sign shall be as determined by the Building Inspector.
(l) Oil Separators. An oil separator shall be installed in the drainage system or section of the system where oils or other flammables can be introduced or admitted into the drainage system by accident or otherwise.
(m) Requirement for Registered Architect or Professional Engineer. When plans contemplate structural changes or work affecting public health or safety, the Building Inspector shall require that they be prepared by and bear the seal of a registered architect or professional engineer. The Building Inspector may issue a permit when the plans are accompanied by an affidavit of such registered architect or professional engineer stating that he has supervised the preparation of the plans and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the plans and specifications conform to this Code.
(n) Furnishing of Certificate to Purchaser of Multiple Dwelling. Whoever sells, conveys, leases or otherwise transfers an interest in real property, which has situated thereon a multiple dwelling as classified in Section 1621.04, shall secure a certificate of occupancy from the Building Inspector and shall furnish such certificate to the purchaser, lessee or transferee prior to the execution of the land contract or the delivery of the deed, lease or conveyance.
(o) Plot Plan. There shall be submitted a plot plan in a form and size designated by the Building Inspector for filing permanently with the permit record, drawn to scale, with all dimensions figured, showing accurately the size and exact location of all proposed new construction and the relocation to other existing or proposed buildings or structures on the same lot and other buildings or structures on the same lot that are to remain.
(p) Permits Required.
(1) General. Unless specifically exempted, permits shall be required for all outdoor signs or display structures hereafter established or erected as an independent structure or attached to a building or other structure or supporting object.
(2) Signs over public property. Except as provided, permits shall be secured for all signs over public property. No permit for a sign over public property shall be issued by the Building Inspector until the application for the permit has been approved by the Building Inspector.
(q) Wall Painted Signs Prohibited. No sign may be painted directly on the wall of a building or other structure and no permit may be issued for such sign.
(Ord. 2005-30. Passed 3-15-05.)
The footings or foundation of dwellings shall extend below the prevailing frost line, but not less than 42 inches below the surface, except where on rock or when specifically permitted by the Chief Building Inspector. Similarly, the footings for deck posts, porch posts and fence posts four feet or more in height shall have support post extended below the prevailing front line, but not less than 42 inches below the surface, except where on rock or when specifically permitted by the Chief Building Inspector.
(Ord. 2005-30. Passed 3-15-05.)
(a) Driveways, Terraces and Patios. The concrete slab for a driveway, terrace, porch or patio shall be not less than four inches thick and shall comply with other applicable requirements of this chapter. There shall be expansion joints placed between the garage floor slab and the concrete apron in front of the garage, between any building and the driveway, and every 30 feet in length in the driveway itself.
(b) Garage Floors. A garage floor may be saw cut, removed and replaced only if the garage structure is on footers or a ratwall style foundation.
(Ord. 2005-30. Passed 3-15-05.)