This chapter shall not apply to any of the following above ground utility facilities:
   (a)   Poles used exclusively for police and fire alarm boxes, traffic control facilities, or any similar Municipal equipment installed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service and/or the Director of Public Safety;
   (b)   Thoroughfare street lighting systems on arterial streets of highways designated by the City and lighting units comprised of poles, standards, conductor and appurtenant equipment for other street lighting systems and for area lighting;
   (c)   Radio antennae and associated equipment, including supporting structures. This exception specifically does not include utility facilities extending to and from such equipment;
   (d)   Temporary utility facilities used for supplying services to new construction or for maintaining services during periods of restoration or replacement; and
   (e)   Service equipment and connections mounted against walls of buildings served, including electric risers and meters and communication or television risers and terminals.
(Ord. 79-52. Passed 10-16-79; Ord. 2001-37. Passed 7-10-01.)