For the purpose of regulating front yards, for the purpose of further regulating side yards of corner buildings and for the purpose of regulating the alignment of buildings near street frontages, building lines as set forth on the building maps which are on file in the office of the Chief Building Inspector and are hereby declared to be part hereof, are hereby established. The map designations and the map designation rules, which accompany said map, are hereby declared part thereof. Between a building line and the street line no building or portion of a building extending above the established grade may be erected. In a Single Family District a one story unclosed porch may, however, be constructed between the building line and the street line. On a corner lot between the building line and the street line and within the triangular space included between the street lines for a distance of twenty-five feet from their point of intersection, no fence or other structure more than three feet in height above the plane of the established grade shall hereafter be erected, and no shrubs or foliage shall be maintained that in the judgment of the Chief Building Inspector will materially obstruct the view by a driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection and within seventy-five feet of the center of such intersection of approaching cross traffic within seventy-five feet of the center of such intersection. Where a building line is shown on the building line map as an existing alignment line, the alignment of the buildings existing along such frontage shall determine the building line. In a Retail or Industrial District where a building line is required along both the front and side line of a corner lot, and the building thereon as constructed faces the front of the lot, the building line along such line for a distance of 150 feet back from the building line at the corner shall be located fifteen feet back from the street line in all cases where a greater distance is prescribed on the building line map. On any street frontage in a Single Family, Multi Family, Mixed Use, Apartment or Industrial District, where a building line is required along both the front and side line of a corner lot and the building thereon as constructed faces the front of the lot, the building line along such line for a distance of 150 feet back from the building line at the corner shall be located fifteen feet back from the street line in all cases where a greater distance is prescribed on the building line map. On any street front in a Single Family, Multi Family, Mixed Use, Apartment or Industrial District, where no building line is designated on the building line map, the location of the building line shall be as follows:
   (a)   On a street frontage on either side of a street between two intersecting streets, but excluding the frontage along the side line of a corner lot, the distance of the building line back from the street line shall be not less than thirty feet back from the street line. Where in any portion of such street frontage there are lots of markedly less depth than the normal, the Board of Zoning Appeals in defining and applying this building line regulation may, when in its opinion the general purpose and intent of this section will be better served thereby, divide such street frontage into sections for the application of the above thirty foot building line requirement. For the purpose of this subsection, the term “lot” shall include unimproved parcels in separate ownership and unimproved lots or parcels in subdivision of land.
   (b)   In a Single Family, Multi Family, Mixed Use, Apartment or Industrial District, along the side line of a corner lot the distance of the building line back from the street line shall be not less than fifteen feet.
(Ord. 4. Passed 4-7-24; Ord. 2001-37. Passed 7-10-01.)
   (c)   The front building line shall be the front edge of building or porch, whichever is nearer front property line. The front building line on Lake Shore Boulevard and Sagamore Road shall be fifty feet from the property line.
(Ord. 12. Passed 5-19-24; Ord. 2001-37. Passed 7-10-01; Ord. 2012-19. Passed 3-20-12.)