(a)   The provisions of this chapter shall apply to uses, structures and lots that were legally existing as of the effective date of March 20, 2012, but that become nonconforming as the result of the application of this Code to them or from reclassification of the property under any subsequent amendments to this Code.
   (b)   It is the general policy of the City to allow nonconforming uses, structures, or lots to continue to exist and to be put to productive use. However, it is also the general policy of the City to bring as many aspects of such nonconformities into conformance with this Code as is reasonably practicable, all subject to the limitations of this chapter. The limitations of this chapter are intended to recognize the interests of property owners in continuing to use their property but to reasonably control expansions, re-establishment of discontinued uses, and the re-establishment of nonconforming buildings and structures that have been substantially destroyed.
   (c)   Nonconformities shall be allowed to continue in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 2013-69. Passed 12-17-13.)