(a)   After the approval of the Preliminary Development Plan by City Council as outlined in Section 1141.06(d), the developer shall submit a Final Development Plan to the Planning Commission within sixty days of said approval. The Chief Building Inspector, or his designee, and the City Engineer shall review the Final Development Plan to ensure compliance with all applicable zoning and other ordinances and shall report the status of compliance to the Planning Commission. The Chiefs of the Divisions of Police and Fire shall review the Final Development Plan to ensure compliance with all applicable ordinances relating to safety and shall report the status of compliance to the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Upon receipt of the Final Development Plan from the developer, the Planning Commission shall schedule the matter for a public hearing at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting, or a Special Planning Commission meeting, but said public meeting shall not be scheduled less than thirty days after the Final Development Plan was submitted to the Planning Commission.
   (c)   The Final Development Plan shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Proposed public and private street system, including detailed plans and specifications for all streets, sidewalks, storm and sanitary sewers, water mains, street illumination, and other utilities, shade trees and other necessary engineering considerations in accordance with the Building Code and other applicable City codes;
      (2)   Plat of the development area showing street rights of way, private and common land and easements in accordance with the requirements of all of the City codes, which shall be in the proper form for recording;
      (3)   Plan of the area containing the accurate location of each existing structure to be retained, if any, and detailed plans and specifications for each proposed structure, a rendering of each proposed structure which shall include elevation views from each direction, relationship to street system, including driveways, parking and loading areas, illumination facilities, methods of waste disposal, pedestrian walks, common land, landscaping and finished grades, all of which shall comply with the standards of the Building Code and other applicable City codes;
      (4)   Detailed plans for structures or other means to prevent further erosion in the development area;
      (5)   Detailed landscape plans for public and private lands in the development area;
      (6)   Final forms of covenants running with the land, deed restrictions, including the use of common land, covenants, restrictions or easements to be recorded and covenants, if any, for maintenance;
      (7)   Estimated project cost including estimates for all public and private improvements; and
      (8)   Construction schedule and land disposition program.
(Ord. 2012-14. Passed 3-20-12.)