   The purpose and intent of the Mixed Use District is to promote the general health, safety, and welfare of the citizenry by:
   (a)   Allowing for the development of the District with a mixed use of residential, retail, and professional establishments to encourage economic development compatible with the existing character of the City and its Zoning Code;
   (b)   Utilizing the unique environment offered by Lake Erie to achieve the economic development objectives consistent with the recommendations of the Master Plan;
   (c)   Encouraging a site specific flexibility for lot sizes, setbacks, lot coverage, green space parking and other development and design standards in order to achieve better site design, better relationships between different uses, and extended preservation of open spaces and natural topography;
   (d)   Preserving public open spaces, where feasible, along the lake shore;
   (e)   Ensuring that the natural topographic features, and the natural resources in the District are protected during development;
   (f)   Encouraging walking, bicycling and social interaction, where feasible, by providing safe and attractive amenities, including, but not limited to, benches, public sidewalks, walkways and bicycle paths which link to residential and commercial areas to open spaces, access to Lake Erie, natural area corridors, parks and other land uses within the District; and
   (g)   Ensuring that development occurs in a unified and timely manner in accordance with an approved development plan.
(Ord. 2012-14. Passed 3-20-12.)