(a) A “front yard” is an open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building between the front line of the building and the front line of the lot.
(b) A “rear yard” is an open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building between the rear line of the building and the rear line of the lot.
(c) A “side yard” is an open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building situated between the building and the line of the lot and extending through from the street or from the front yard to the rear yard or to the rear line of the lot. Any lot line not a rear line or a front line shall be deemed a sideline.
(d) The “least dimension of a yard” is the least of the horizontal dimensions of such yard. If two opposite sides of a yard are not parallel, the horizontal dimensions between them shall be deemed to be the mean distance between them.
(Ord. 66-18. Passed 7-21-66; Ord. 2001-37. Passed 7-10-01.)