   (a)   Council may, by ordinance, from time to time on its own motion, or on petition, amend the regulations established in this Zoning Code. Every such proposed amendment shall, after it has been introduced, be referred by Council to the Planning Commission for report. The Commission shall conduct a public hearing on such proposed amendment, and notice of such hearing shall be published in a newspaper having a general circulation in the City at least ten days prior to the date of such public hearing. The hearing before the Commission on proposed amendments may be continued from time to time without further notice.
   (b)   The Commission may approve or suggest changes in the proposed amendment, and shall submit its report to Council. The form of the report shall be as determined by the Commission. Any such amendment that has failed to receive the approval of the Commission shall not be passed by Council except by five votes of Council. Amendments proposed by the Commission under authority conferred by the City Charter on that body shall be subject to the same procedure as outlined above, except that such amendments need not be introduced by Council before the hearing of the Commission.
(Ord. 58-76. Passed 3-18-59; Ord. 2001-37. Passed 7-10-01; Ord. 2009-8. Passed 3-3-09; Ord. 2009-17. Passed 5-5-09.)