(a)   There is hereby established a charge for the use of the sanitary sewerage system upon all lots, lands and premises served by a connection with the sanitary sewerage system of the City which charge shall be in addition to any revenues received by a levy of taxes or assessments on the tax duplicate for sewer purposes.
(Ord. 75-81. Passed 12-15-75.)
   (b)   (1)   Effective on the first day of the current billing cycle, every person, firm or corporation whose lots, lands or premises are served by a connection with the sanitary sewerage system of the City shall pay for discharging sewage, industrial wastes, waste or other liquids either directly or indirectly into the sanitary sewerage system, a sewer rental charge based upon the quantity of metered water used in or upon such lots, lands, or premises and such charge shall be determined as follows: Each 100 cubic feet of water, or part thereof, measured through any one water meter, at the use charge rate of nine dollars and .8397 cents ($9.8397) and the minimum quarterly billing for such use charge rate shall be seventy-eight dollars and .72 cents ($78.72) per 800 cubic feet of water, or part thereof per quarter.
            Each person qualifying for and enrolled in the Lake County Department of Utilities Water Discount Program shall additionally receive a thirty percent discount on sewer consumption, up to a maximum of twenty-three dollars and .62 cents ($23.62) per quarterly billing cycle; such discount shall be implemented as soon as practicable by the Lake County Department of Utilities, subject to its billing operation updates.
      (2)   The Finance Director shall review the status of the Sanitary Sewer Fund after December 31, 2008 and every year thereafter, and meet with the City Council Finance Committee to determine whether the then current rate should be increased. The Finance Committee, by a majority vote, shall recommend to City Council whether to increase the then current rate.
         (Ord. 92-54. Passed 8-11-92; Ord. 2001-8. Passed 1-16-01; Ord. 2008-25. Passed 5-20-08; Ord. 2010-38. Passed 10-19-10; Ord. 2020-45. Passed 11-3-20; Ord. 2020-47. Passed 12-15-20; Ord. 2021-49. Passed 12-7-21; Ord. 2022-43. Passed 11-15-22; Ord. 2023-4. Passed 2-7-23; Ord. 2023-6. Passed 3-21-23; Ord. 2024-14. Passed 3-19-24.)
   (c)   Such charge shall apply whether such water is derived from a source other than the City water supply or all or any part of such water is furnished to the premises without charge.
   (d)   The term “sewage” means water or water-borne wastes, and “industrial wastes” means the liquid wastes resulting from any commercial, manufacturing or industrial operations or processes in which water-borne or liquid wastes enter the system of sewerage or any portion thereof of the City from any premises having a connection therewith or thereto.
   (e)   If the whole or any part of the water on which a sewer rental charge is based is shown by a, measuring device approved by the Director of Public Service not to have passed into the system of sewerage of the City, then the charge shall be based upon the actual amount of water passing into such system. Nothing contained in this section shall be held to authorize or require the payment of any sewer rental charge by any tax supported department of the City.
   (f)   The Director of Finance shall make such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the enforcement of the provisions hereof, for the proper determination and collection of the rates and charges herein provided, and for the safe, economical and efficient management and protection of the public sewerage system. Such rules andregulations shall have the same force and effect as ordinances when not repugnant thereto or to the Constitution or laws of the State.
(Ord. 85-16. Passed 4-16-85; Ord. 2012-3. Passed 2-7-12; 2014-25. Passed 5-6-14.)