(a)   Any individual, partnership, corporation or other entity engaging in an alarm business in the City shall register with the Police Division. Registration shall be made on an annual basis on or before January 1 of each year, shall list such information as may be required by the Chief of Police and shall include the following:
      (1)   The name, address and telephone number of the alarm business, the kind of entity it is (individual, partnership or corporate) and the name, address and telephone number of the individual proprietor, partners, or directors and principal officers, depending on the nature of the entity applying;
      (2)   A description of the alarm systems and devices offered for sale or lease to the public and a description of any services related to alarm devices offered to the public;
      (3)   A list of all felony and misdemeanor convictions of individual proprietors, partners, or directors and principal officers of the applicant business, including the date and location of each conviction;
      (4)   A statement as to whether or not the applicant has ever been denied a license or permit in any jurisdiction to engage in the alarm business or has had such a license or permit revoked;
      (5)   A statement as to the length of time the applicant has been engaged in the alarm business and where engaged;
      (6)   A list of the names and addresses of employees of the applicant who will be or are performing work for the applicant in the City, together with a list of all felony and misdemeanor convictions of such employees; and
      (7)   In the case of an alarm business which monitors alarms, the names and addresses of each of its alarm users in the City.
   (b)   Registration of alarm businesses may be terminated by the Chief of Police in the manner hereinafter set forth if the licensee or any of its owners, partners, principal corporate officers or individuals having authority and responsibility for the management and operation of the alarm business in the City are found to have:
      (1)   Violated any of the provisions of this chapter or any rule or regulation of the City, which violation reflects unfavorably upon the fitness of the licensee to engage in the alarm business, as determined by the Chief of Police;
      (2)   Knowingly and willfully given any false information of a material nature in connection with an application for a license or a renewal or reinstatement of a license or in a notice of transfer of an alarm business licensed under this chapter;
      (3)   Been convicted in any jurisdiction of a felony or a misdemeanor if the Chief of Police determines that such conviction reflects unfavorably on the fitness of the applicant to engage in the alarm business; or
      (4)   Committed any act while the license was not in effect, which act would be cause for the revocation of a license or grounds for the denial of an application for a license.
   (c)   Continual registration updates shall be made by the alarm business pertaining to changes of service personnel who will be working in the City.
   (d)   A registration application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year to cover the costs to the City for processing the application as provided herein.
   (e)   Registration renewal is required annually and shall be accompanied by a ten dollar ($10.00) registration renewal fee if paid by January 1 of each year, and a one hundred dollar ($100.00) renewal fee if payment is made on or after February 1 of each year.
   (f)   All determinations made by the Chief of Police under subsection (b) hereof may be appealed to the Director of Public Safety.
(Ord. 93-15. Passed 3-23-93.)