No approval of plans and operation shall be given for a proposed helistop unless the Director of Public Safety is satisfied that all provisions of this chapter and other provisions of the Codified Ordinances will be complied with, that the public safety will be protected and that the use and enjoyment of neighboring property will not be adversely affected.
   Every such approval shall be subject to:
   (a)   Continuing compliance with the provisions of this chapter and with applicable Federal Aviation Agency regulations.
   (b)   The prohibition of smoking within the helistop area.
   (c)   The right and authority of the Director of Public Safety to cancel such approval and prohibit the use of such helistop upon noncompliance with the provisions of this chapter, or FAA regulations or for any other reasonable cause or ground, based upon the protection of the public safety, health or welfare. All interested parties will be notified in writing of the specific reasons for such cancellation and be given an opportunity to take corrective action. Upon notification that satisfactory corrective measures have been taken, the Director of Public Safety may reapprove the use thereof.
(Ord. 84-12. Passed 2-7-84.)