If the Director of Public Safety finds that the applicant for a license to. operate has been issued a certificate of necessity and that the vehicle for which the license to operate is sought is within the class provided for in such certificate of necessity under such rules and regulations as the Director of Public Safety may promulgate, he shall issue to such owner a license to operate such a vehicle upon the owners depositing the insurance policy or bond heretofore described and paying the license fee hereinafter set forth. There shall be delivered to such owner a license of the size and design prescribed by the Director of Public Safety which shall contain the official license number, name and address of the licensee and such other information as the Director prescribes. The license shall be affixed to the interior of the public vehicle so licensed so as to be readily accessible and visible to any one desiring to examine the same. Any license issued hereunder shall expire on December 31 of the year in which it was issued, unless sooner suspended or revoked for cause by the Director.
(Ord. 84-106. Passed 1-22-85; Ord. 2010-12. Passed 3-23-10.)