The holder of a certificate of necessity issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall apply to the Director of Public Safety for a license to operate any such taxicab as may come within the scope covered by the certificate of necessity. Such application shall be in writing and shall state the serial number of his certificate of necessity, the full name and address of the owner of the public vehicle, and also the applicant, the trade name under which the applicant does or will do business, the type of vehicle for which the license is desired, the length of time such vehicle has been in use, the number of persons it is capable of carrying, the motor power thereof, the design, color scheme, the local symbol used or proposed to be used, together with all other lettering or marks used or proposed to be used by the applicant on the vehicle.
   The Director may require such additional information as to the financial responsibility and fitness of management, of officers and of stockholders of the applicant, and such other information as he may desire. The application, together with any statements or further information required by the Director, shall have affixed thereto an affidavit duly sworn to by the applicant.
(Ord. 84-106. Passed 1-22-85.)