(a)   Application; Filing. Every person desiring to open, conduct, maintain or operate a public dance hall from and after May 15, 1961, must make application to the Mayor for a permit therefor, which application shall be in the form prescribed in this chapter. The application shall be filed at least ten days prior to the time of granting the license.
   (b)   Citizenship Required. No license shall be granted to a person who is not a citizen of the United States.
   (c)   Application Information. Every applicant for a license shall file with the Mayor a written application stating the full name and address, including street and number, of the applicant, or if more than one person, or if a partnership or firm, the full names of all parties interested, and shall also state the names of the employees of such public dance hall, and in each case their addresses, including street and number. If the applicant is a corporation the application shall, in addition, contain a complete list of the officers and shareholders of such corporation, with their names and addresses, including street and number and shall also give the state in which the corporation is organized. The application shall also state the names of one or more persons whom the applicant desires to designate as and who shall be its manager or person in charge, with their addresses. The application shall also state the following:.
      (1)   The premises where the public dance hall is to be conducted, including the street and number.
      (2)   The age of the applicants in the case of individuals, and the age of the manager and officers, if any, in the case of other applicants.
      (3)   Whether the applicant or manager is a citizen of the United States.
      (4)   Whether the applicant has ever been engaged in operating a public dance hall, and when, where and how long in each place within five years then last past.
      (5)   The name of the owner of the premises in which the public dance hall is located and the complete address of the owner. The application shall be signed by the applicant or applicants or by a duly authorized officer or agent.
   (d)   Investigation of Applicant. The Mayor shall cause an investigation to be made as to the character of the applicant or applicants, the officers, shareholders and employees, as the case may b«, and of the person who is to have general management of the business. The application shall be rejected if the Mayor finds that any person named in the application has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or has been convicted of a felony, has engaged in conduct toward or in the presence of dance students reflecting prurient desires, is not of good moral character, that any of such persons have previously been connected with any public dance hall the license of which has been revoked, that any of the provisions of this chapter, any other ordinance of the City or any law with reference to public dance halls has been violated, or that the public dance hall sought to be licensed or the premises where it is to be conducted does not comply with the regulations, ordinances and laws applicable thereto, or that the application is in any way incomplete or contains any misrepresentation of a material fact.
   If rejection of his application is made, the applicant for a license shall be notified in writing of the reasons for rejection and shall have the right to appeal to a board composed of Council or a quorum thereof, which Board shall have the power, after full hearing, to confirm the rejection or order the license issued. In order to perfect such appeal to the Board, the applicant shall, within ten days after receiving notice of rejection, leave notice in writing of his intention to appeal at the office of the Mayor.
(Ord. 61-44. Passed 5-3-61.)