(a)   The Planning Commission shall deny a special event permit if:
      (1)   A special event permit has been granted for another special event at the same place and time;
      (2)   The proposed special event will occupy any part of a freeway, expressway or tollway;
      (3)   The proposed special event will unreasonably disrupt the orderly flow of traffic and no reasonable means of rerouting traffic or otherwise meeting traffic needs is available;
      (4)   The applicant fails to adequately provide for:
         A.   The protection of event participants;
         B.   Maintenance of public order in and around the special event location;
         C.   Crowd security, taking into consideration the size and character of the event;
         D.   Emergency vehicle access; or
         E.   Requirements of the Willowick Fire Prevention Bureau.
      (5)   The applicant fails to comply with, or the proposed special event will violate, a City ordinance or other applicable law, unless the prohibited conduct or activity would be allowed under this chapter;
      (6)   The applicant makes a false statement of material fact on the application for a special event permit;
      (7)   The applicant fails to provide proof that he or she possesses or is able to obtain a license or permit required by City ordinance or other applicable law for the conduct of all activities included as part of the special event;
      (8)   The applicant has had a special event permit revoked within the preceding fourteen months;
      (9)   The applicant has committed, within the preceding fourteen months, two or more violations of a condition or provision of a special event permit or of this chapter; or
      (10)   The applicant fails to pay any outstanding costs owed to the City for a past special event.
   (b)   The Planning Commission shall revoke a special event permit if:
      (1)   The applicant fails to comply with, or the special event is in violation of, a condition or provision of the special event permit, an ordinance of the City, or any other applicable law; or
      (2)   The permit holder makes a false statement of material fact on an application for a special event permit.
(Ord. 93-11. Passed 4-20-93.)