For the purpose of this chapter:
   (a)   “Shopping cart” means that type of basket, of wire or other construction, on wheels, propelled by human power, commonly but not exclusively used for transporting articles of merchandise within or from a place of business, and popularly known as a shopping cart.
   (b)   “Place of business” means a grocery store, supermarket, drugstore, dry goods store, department store, discount store, variety store or other retail establishment which supplies shopping carts for the use of its customers to transport articles of merchandise within or from such establishment.
   (c)   “Customer” means any person who enters a place of business for the purpose of purchasing, or inspecting with a view toward purchasing, articles of merchandise.
   (d)   “Parking lot” means any parcel of land used for parking vehicles or otherwise, adjoining or used in connection with a place of business and owned or leased by the person, firm or corporation which is the owner, lessee or operator of such place of business or which is provided for the use of the customers of such place of business under any form of lease or other contractual arrangement.
   (e)   “Business premises” means a place of business and any parking lot related thereto.
(Ord. 72-60. Passed 12-18-72.)