(a) No person shall park or store any truck, school bus, bus, commercial tractor, pole trailer or moving van in a Retail or Industrial Use District, including on any public street or highway, except to make deliveries or pickups or for the loading or unloading of persons, unless such truck, school bus, bus, commercial tractor, pole trailer or moving van is parked or stored in a completely enclosed structure, or unless such vehicle is owned, leased or rented by the owner, operator or proprietor of a business who or which operates, owns or manages the parking lot in conjunction with the business operation.
(b) As used in this section, “truck” means any vehicle so defined by Ohio R.C. Chapter 4511 or Chapter 301 of this Traffic Code and containing only a commercial truck license from the State, including trailers and semi-trailers. School buses, buses, commercial tractors, pole trailers and moving vans shall also be as defined by Ohio R.C. Chapter 4511 or Chapter 301 of this Traffic Code.
(Ord. 99-5. Passed 3-2-99; Ord. 2012-61. Passed 11-20-12.)