Enforcement; Impounding and Penalty
303.01   Compliance with lawful order of police officer; fleeing. (Recodified)
303.02   Traffic direction in emergencies; obedience to school guards.
303.03   Officer may remove ignition key.
303.035   Resisting an enforcing official.
303.04   Road workers, motor vehicles and equipment excepted.
303.045   Emergency, public safety and coroners' vehicles excepted.
303.05   Application to persons riding, driving animals upon roadway.
303.06   Freeway use prohibited by pedestrians, bicycles and animals.
303.07   Application to drivers of government vehicles.
303.08   Impounding of vehicles; redemption.
303.09   Leaving junk and other vehicles on private or public property without permission or notification.
303.10   Vehicle trespass.
303.11   Furnishing false information incident to traffic citation.
303.99   Traffic Code misdemeanor classifications and penalties; suspension of driver's license.
   See section histories for similar State law
   Disposition of unclaimed vehicles - see Ohio R.C. 737.32, 4513.61 et seq.
   State point system suspension - see Ohio R.C. 4507.021
   Power of trial court of record to suspend license for certain violations - see Ohio R.C. 4510.05, 4510.15
   Uniform application of Ohio Traffic Law - see Ohio R.C. 4511.06
   Marking motor vehicles used by traffic officers - see Ohio R.C. 4539.13
   Distinctive uniform required for traffic officers - see Ohio R.C. 4539.15
   Exceptions for emergency or public safety vehicles - see TRAF. 331.20, 333.06
   Ignition interlock devices - see TRAF. 337.27