   (a)   Rules and regulations established by the Recreation Board pursuant to Section 5.6 of the City Charter shall be in writing and incorporated in the minutes of the meeting or meetings of the Recreation Board at which they were adopted. Not less than two printed copies of such rules and regulations shall be posted and maintained in a public place in a recreational area or areas, available for inspection by the persons using the same. A copy of such rules and regulations shall be furnished forthwith to the Chief of Police and to the Clerk of Council.
   (b)   Rules and regulations may, but are not required to provide for the prohibition of acts and conduct by persons which are detrimental to the use and enjoyment of recreational areas and facilities by others in the lawful use thereof, or which may result in the destruction of or injury to any portion thereof; and may provide for the use of such area or areas and the facilities thereof only upon application and permit, either with or without fees to be paid, and may provide for a preference in the use of such area or areas and such facilities in favor of residents of the City and their bona fide guests.
   (c)   All persons, in the use of such areas and such facilities, shall be bound by the provisions of such rules and regulations and no person shall violate the same or use or attempt to use such areas or such facilities in a manner contrary thereto. Any such violation, use or attempt to use shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and punishable as hereinafter set forth.
(Ord. 53-39. Passed 6-17-53.)