(a) The Mayor shall entertain any written request of a municipal employee to request that another municipal employee donate accrued sick time to the applicant. The written request shall include the facts and circumstances of the municipal employee requesting the donation which support the claim that there is a need for additional sick time due to a serious illness, injury, or condition of the employee or a member of the employee's immediate family.
(b) The Mayor shall entertain any written request of a municipal employee to donate accrued sick time to another municipal employee who is in need of the additional sick time. Said request shall include the name of the municipal employee to whom the time will be donated, the intent of the donor to donate a specific number of hours, and the acknowledgment that the number of hours donated will not be paid back by the recipient.
(c) The Mayor is the sole determiner of whether the donation of the sick time from one municipal employee to another municipal employee adheres to the policies set forth in Section 159.01. Specifically, it shall be solely determined by the Mayor whether the municipal employee receiving the donation has a need for additional sick time due to circumstances which may be beyond his or her control.
(Ord. 2006-18. Passed 3-7-06.)