(a)   There are hereby established the following (revolving) petty cash funds which shall be funded from the General Fund in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) each:
      (1)   Service Department Petty Cash Fund;
      (2)   Police Department Petty Cash Fund;
      (3)   Fire Department Petty Cash Fund;
      (4)   Finance Department Petty Cash Fund; and
      (5)   Recreation Department Petty Cash Fund; and
      (6)   Building Department Petty Cash Fund.
   (b)   The Director of Finance shall establish proper accounting procedures for the administration of each of the petty cash funds established in this section.
(Ord. 87-64. Passed 11-4-87; Ord. 99-23. Passed 4-6-99; Ord. 2007-5. Passed 1-16-07; Ord. 2007-74. Passed 8-7-07.)