(a)   Approval.
      (1)   In the case of all employees and officials in the administration of the City, the Mayor may approve advances of City funds to defray expenses to be incurred where necessary to allow City employees or officials to participate in approved functions for attendance at educational programs for the benefit of the City, to attend conferences and other meetings and participate as members of professional organizations in furtherance of the official business of the City and for travel outside of the City in furtherance of City business.
      (2)   The President of Council may approve advances of City funds to defray expenses to be incurred where necessary to allow employees or members of Council to participate in approved functions for attendance at educational programs for the benefit of the City, to attend conferences and other meetings and participate as members of professional organizations in furtherance of the official business of the City and for travel outside of the City in furtherance of City business.
   (b)   Reimbursement. The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to advance funds, approved its required in subsection (a) hereof, and to reimburse City employees and officials for expenses incurred in furtherance of the official business of the City, for attendance at educational programs of benefit to the City, for expenses incurred in participation as members of professional organizations and for travel expenses incurred in furtherance of the business of the City, upon approval of the Mayor or the President of Council as the case may be.
(Ord. 81-52. Passed 9-29-81.)