   A candidate for Municipal office shall be nominated by a separate petition which shall set forth the name and address of the candidate, the title or other description of the office to which election is sought and the term thereof, and which shall be signed by the requisite number of qualified electors of the Municipality or ward or district thereof. Such petition may consist of several petition papers, each being of the same form and substance except as to the signatures thereon, and each separate petition paper shall bear the written acceptance of the nomination by the nominee named therein and the oath and signature of the circulator of such separate petition paper. It shall be optional with the candidate whether or not the petition papers shall contain the names of a committee to represent such candidate in matters concerning the nomination and election and if the petition form contains space for such committee the same may be left blank without invalidating the petition.
   A petition for nomination for a Municipal office to be voted upon by the electors of the Municipality at large shall contain the signatures of not less than fifty (50) and not more than one hundred (100) duly qualified electors of the Municipality. Petitions for offices to be voted upon by wards or districts within the Municipality shall contain the signatures of not less than twenty (20) and not more than forty (40) duly qualified electors resident within such ward or district. Signatures in excess of the maximum numbers permitted above shall be disregarded by the election authorities in the determination of the validity or sufficiency of such petitions.
(Enacted 11-4-52)