The Commission shall provide by rule for ascertainment of merit and fitness as the basis for appointment and promotion in the classified service of the Municipality, as required by the Constitution of the State of Ohio and for appeals from the action of the Mayor in any case of transfer, reduction, or removal, and the action of the Commission on any such appeals shall be final except as otherwise provided by law. The Commission also shall provide by rule, for the certification of names of applicants from eligibility lists for original appointment to, and promotion in, the classified service of the City. The Commission shall keep a record of its proceedings, which shall be open to public inspection; provided, however, records relating to examinations and personnel matters shall be maintained by the Commission as confidential and not open to public inspection unless as provided to the contrary by Ohio law.
The Commission shall, in all matters not in conflict with this Charter, conduct its affairs in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances of the City that relate to Civil Service appointments, promotions, demotions, hirings, terminations, and all other Civil Service personnel matters.
The City and Civil Service Commission shall exercise all powers of local self- government and home rule in all matters that relate to Civil Service appointments, promotions, demotions, hirings, terminations, and all other personnel matters. The Council of the City is expressly authorized to adopt Ordinances that relate to Civil Service appointments, promotions, demotions, hirings, terminations, and all other Civil Service personnel matters and such Ordinances that are adopted by Council shall prevail over any state Civil Service statutes that may conflict, whether directly or indirectly, with any such Ordinance that has been adopted by Council.
(Amended 11-8-88; 5-8-18)