   The Commission shall have the powers conferred upon it by general law and it shall adopt and recommend to the Council a comprehensive general plan for the physical development of the Municipality, or the redevelopment of any area or district therein, which shall include the location of public ways, property, bridges, schools, utilities, buildings, parks, playgrounds, and recreation areas, and the reservation and acquisition of land therefor. It shall prepare and recommend to Council ordinances creating areas, zones and districts of permitted and excluded uses, including rules, regulations, restrictions and limitations governing the plan, design, height, floor area, number of stories, size of structures, area and size of lots, set-backs, percentage of land occupancy, size of yards, courts, open spaces, locations, use and occupancy of public and private buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, off-street parking, residence, parks, playgrounds, signs and display boards of all nature, excepting those pertaining to traffic regulations, private and public beaches, agriculture, and all other uses or purposes, both public and private, pertaining to each, as will promote the general welfare of the Municipality and its inhabitants. It shall annually make recommendations to Council of the necessary or desirable capital improvements. In addition the Commission shall make such recommendations as it deems necessary as to the manner in which streets and other public ways shall be graded and improved; the manner in which and the extent to which water, sewer and other utility mains, piping or other facilities shall be installed, and any other conditions precedent to the approval of a proposed plat. The Commission shall make plans and maps of the whole or any portion of the Municipality and of any land outside the Municipality which, in the opinion of the Commission, bears a relation to the planning of the Municipality, and to make changes in, additions to, and estimates of such plans or maps when it deems the same advisable. It shall have such powers as may be conferred on it by ordinance of the Council concerning the plan, design, location, removal, relocation and alteration of any public building or structure or those located on public streets or property, the location, relocation, widening, extension and vacation of streets, parkways, playgrounds and other public places, the zoning and rezoning of the Municipality for any lawful purpose and such other powers as now or may hereafter be conferred upon it by ordinance of the Council or the general laws of the State of Ohio.