Except as may otherwise be provided in this Charter, all ordinances and resolutions shall become effective thirty (30) days after their final passage by Council, unless a later effective date is set forth in the ordinance or resolution, or an earlier effective date is established in an ordinance or resolution adopted as an emergency measure in the manner hereinafter provided.
No ordinance or measure which provides for a change in the existing Municipal Zoning Map or which otherwise provides for a change in the use of the property from the uses presently authorized by the existing zoning code of the Municipality shall go into effect until approved by a majority of those electors of the Municipality voting upon it at the next succeeding general election, primary election or special election in any year, occurring subsequent to sixty (60) days after the approval of such ordinance or measure by the Mayor or the overriding by Council of the disapproval of such ordinance or measure, whichever occurs later, and Council shall cause such ordinance or measure to be submitted to the electors of the Municipality in the manner provided by law.
(Amended 11-5-74)