(A)   Expenses: All employees shall be reimbursed for any expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as such Village employees or while, or in connection with, attending to or carrying out Village business. Such expenses shall include mileage reimbursement in accordance with the guidelines established by the Internal Revenue Service for each mile necessarily traveled.
All expenses of Village employees herein provided for shall be paid upon an employee's submission of an approved expense reimbursement form to the Director of Finance.
All expenses for Village related business incurred by elected or appointed officials of the Village shall be reimbursed in accordance with an Expense Reimbursement Policy for Elected and Appointed Officials adopted, from time to time, by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
   (B)   Compensation: All compensation to be paid to Village officers and employees shall be as provided for in the annual appropriation ordinance or other ordinances adopted by the Board of Trustees. The Director of Finance shall be charged with the duty of establishing a payroll system for the purposes of issuing all payroll checks coming due pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid ordinances.
Following the expiration of the incumbent Village Mayor's current term of office after the next general Municipal election in April 2013, all those persons thereafter sworn in as the elected Village Mayor shall receive as part time compensation for the performance of his or her duties the annual salary of eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000.00) payable monthly in twelve (12) equal installments of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00). (Ord. 12-O-14, 6-11-2012)
Those persons elected or appointed to the Office of Village Trustee shall continue to receive as compensation for the performance of his or her official duties a stipend in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each regularly or specially scheduled emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees or part thereof actually attended each month. (Ord. 12-O-14, 6-11-2012; amd. Ord. 16-O-11, 4-11-2016)
The payment of compensation to all those persons elected to the Office of Village Mayor and to all those persons elected or appointed to the Office of Village Trustee shall be in accordance with both the provisions of this section and that of 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3.1-50-5 prohibiting any increase or diminution in the compensation of an elected officer which takes effect during the officer's current term of office. (Ord. 12-O-14, 6-11-2012)