Any employee having a grievable complaint as defined in section 12-1-2 of this chapter shall present said grievance by following these procedures:
   (A)   An employee shall, in each instance, discuss any grievance with his immediate Supervisor. It shall be the duty of the Supervisor to promptly discuss all circumstances relevant to the grievance and to consider and examine the causes of said grievance. The Supervisor, within the limits of his authority, shall attempt to resolve the grievance at this level.
   (B)   In the event that the employee and Supervisor are unable to resolve the grievance, or should the resolution of the grievance involve considerations beyond the Supervisor's control, the employee and Supervisor shall present the grievance to the next most senior Supervisor having jurisdiction or authority over the employee. In the event the grievance cannot be resolved it shall continue to be presented to the next most senior Supervisor culminating with the appropriate department head.
   (C)   Should the conference referred to in subsection (B) of this section fail to resolve the grievance to the satisfaction of the employee, the employee shall prepare a memorandum addressed to the Village Administrator stating the nature of the employee's grievance and reciting all facts deemed relevant to said grievance and all action taken to date pursuant to the requirements of this chapter. Prior to presenting this memorandum to the Village Administrator, the employee shall secure thereon the signature of the involved department head and Supervisor(s). The purpose of securing the signature is to assure that the said department head and/or Supervisor(s) are aware of the submittal of the grievance to the Village Administrator. The department head and/or Supervisor(s) may, at his or their discretion, submit to the Village Administrator a similar memorandum setting forth his or their views on all matters relevant to the grievance. The department head and/or Supervisor(s) shall secure thereon the signature of the involved employee acknowledging that the employee has received and is aware of the memorandum being submitted to the Village Administrator.
   (D)   The Village Administrator shall render final and binding decisions upon all grievances submitted to him hereunder. The Village Administrator may make such decisions upon the several memorandums submitted or, may, at his election, require that the several parties to the grievance confer with him, individually or collectively, to provide such further evidence and information as he may deem necessary. (Ord. 02-O-01, 2-11-2002)