(a)   All full-time employees shall be granted time off with pay for the purpose of attending the funeral of a family member of the employee's immediate family. The employee(s) shall be entitled to a maximum of three (3) days off for each death in the immediate family, which days shall not be deducted from his sick leave credits. An additional two (2) days of leave could be granted for out-of-state deaths or on approval from the Mayor.
   (b)   In the event the death occurs during the employee's workday, he shall be granted the remaining portion of the day off with pay. Such time shall not be deducted from any of the employee's sick leave credits.
   (c)   Immediate family shall be defined as only including the employee's spouse, children, parents, parents-in-law, brothers, sisters, grandparents, brothers-in-law, and sisters-in-law.
   (d)   The use of this leave is a privilege which must be specifically requested through the Mayor.
   (e)   In cases where more time off is desired than was granted, the employee shall request, in advance, the use of his accrued vacation, sick time, holidays, compensatory time and/or sick/personal time as credits for such additional time.
(Ord. 2021-015. Passed 9-23-21.)