(a)   The salaried and hourly compensation monetary rates and amounts for all elected and appointed officials and full-time salaried and hourly non-union employees of the City (hereinafter "employees"), established by separate ordinance of Willoughby Hills or any applicable collective bargaining agreement, are fully set forth on the Willoughby Hills Compensation Schedule A for Full-Time Employees, which Schedule A shall be maintained by the Willoughby Hills Finance Department.
   (b)   The Mayor, CEO and Head of the Administrative Branch of the Municipal Government, given the compensation range as fixed by Council, at his/her discretion may determine the rate of compensation to be paid for the listed positions within the fixed compensation range.
   (c)   Initial appointment to any position shall be made at the minimum of the assigned position. The Mayor at his discretion may approve a starting salary up to an additional ten percent (10%) of the minimum compensation schedule for the classification when the needs of a department make such action necessary. Any compensation over and above what the Council authorizes in any given year will require separate Council approval.
(Ord. 2021-015. Passed 9-23-21.)