Subdivision Procedures
1123.01    Purpose.
1123.02    Minor Subdivisions.
1123.03    Major Subdivisions.
1123.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this Chapter is to provide adequate review of minor and major subdivisions as well as public improvements.
(Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)
   Procedures are herein established and intended to define the steps by which an applicant may design, make an application, record plats and construct improvements in the development of land classified as a minor subdivision.
   (a)    Classification. A proposed division of a parcel of land which adjoins an existing public street and does not involve the opening, widening, extension or improvement of any street or the installation of any underground public utility, and does not involve more than five lots and does include all the contiguous land under one ownership, shall be classified as a minor subdivision.
   (b)    Application. An application and sketch plat, complying with the requirements set forth in subsection (c) hereof shall be prepared for each minor subdivision and submitted to the Zoning Administrator. The purposes of a sketch plat layout are to furnish sufficient information for determination of proper integration of the subdivision with the neighborhood and compliance with City codes.
   (c)    Sketch Plat. The developer shall furnish with the application for approval of a sketch plat for a minor subdivision the following:
      (1)    Maps and data.
         A.    Location - A drawing or print of a City map, or a part thereof, showing the location of the proposed subdivision.
         B.    Property - A drawing or print showing by scale and dimensions the parcel which is to be subdivided and all contiguous land of the same ownership, including locations of existing structures within fifty feet of the boundaries.
         C.    Topography - Information on the topography and drainage of the proposed subdivision and within fifty feet thereof; and
         D.    Utilities - Information on the accessibility of required utilities; and
         E.    Names of the owner and of adjoining property owners, including designations of the parcel according to official records.
      (2)    Sketch Plat. The sketch plat shall be clearly drawn on transparent paper or cloth at a scale of not less than fifty feet to the inch showing the proposed layout and dimensions of each lot.
   (d)    Distribution of Sketch Plat. The application shall be transmitted by the Zoning Administrator to the Planning and Zoning Commission as well as other agencies as follows:
      (1)    The application may be transmitted to appropriate administrative departments and professional consultants for review and comment.
      (2)    Any department reports, comments, or expert opinions shall be compiled by the Zoning Administrator and transmitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to the time of the Commission's review.
   (e)    Approval. If the Planning and Zoning Commission determines the proposed division of land is a minor subdivision, and:
      (1)    That all the contiguous land owned by the proposed developer will therein be completely subdivided, and
      (2)    That it is properly integrated with adjoining developments or could be properly coordinated with the subdivision and extension of streets to adjoining land, and
      (3)    That it complies with the planning principles and other sections of these regulations, the Zoning and other Codes and plans of the City, and
      (4)    If the layout is satisfactory and all maps, plans and data as set forth in subsection (c) hereof, then the plat shall be approved.
A notation to that effect shall be made on the sketch plat by the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Zoning Administrator and the City Engineer; and the developer shall be informed if a metes and bounds deed description or a plat map will be required.
   (f)    If Not Approved. If the Planning and Zoning Commission determines it is a major subdivision or the sketch plat is not approved for other reasons, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall state the conditions that shall be complied with before it will be approved.
   (g)    Recording the Minor Subdivision. After approval of a sketch plat, the developer shall submit either a metes and bounds, deed description, and/or plat as required, to the City Engineer for review. The metes and bounds, deed description, and/or plat shall conform to all applicable County and State standards. An electronic copy of the plat in AutoCad format shall also be provided to the City Engineer. If the same is found to conform to the approved sketch plat and is otherwise satisfactory to the Engineer, he shall so certify his approval thereon. The approval shall expire within 120 days unless the deed or plat has been filed and recorded in the office of the County Recorder and the Planning and Zoning Commission has been so notified by the developer in writing. (Ord. 2006-35. Passed 5-25-06.)