Schedule 1153.04 enumerates those uses that may be located in a Limited Retail Overlay District as a matter of right as a principal use by right when denoted by the letter "P" provided that all requirements of other City Ordinances and this Planning and Zoning Code have been met. These uses shall be in addition to the uses permitted by right and conditionally permitted in the underlying district.
(b) Reference to Use-Specific Regulations. The numbers contained in Schedule 1153.04 in the "Use-Specific Regulations Reference" column are references to additional standards and requirements that apply to the use type listed.
Schedule 1153.04
Permitted Uses in Limited Retail Overlay Districts
LAND USE CATEGORY | Permitted Use Limited Retail Overlay District | Use-Specific Regulations Reference |
(1) OFFICES | ||
(a) Sales office with samples of products | P | |
(a) Retail in completely enclosed buildings | P | |
(b) Financial institutions | P | |
(c) Automated Teller Machines | PS | 1155.04(h) |
(d) Personal services in completely enclosed buildings | P | |
(e) Business equipment and supplies | P | |
LAND USE CATEGORY | Permitted Use Limited Retail Overlay District | Use-Specific Regulations Reference |
(f) Funeral home | PS | 1155.04(u) |
(g) Pet shops | P | |
(h) Drive in/drive thru facility in association with a permitted use | PS | 1155.04(t) |
(i) Micro-brewery, micro-distillery, micro-winery | PS | 1155.04(ee) |
(a) Indoor sports/fitness facility | PS | 1155.04(aa) |
(b) Studios for instruction | PS | 1155.04(uu) |
(a) Any accessory use that is incidental to the main use if planned and developed integrally with the main buildings, and having no injurious effect on the adjoining residential districts | A | |
(Ord. 2020-21. Passed 2-18-20.)