The Director of Law is hereby authorized to employ an assistant, to assist him in such phases of the legal representation of the City as the Director of Law shall direct. The assistant shall be an attorney at law, admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio. The Director of Law is hereby further authorized to employ additional legal assistance in instances and cases that may be determined by Council to constitute sufficient emergency as to warrant the employment of such additional assistance.
The Director of Law shall be reimbursed for all actual or necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his services, subject to the approval of the Mayor.
The Director of Law shall be further entitled to whatever sum may be authorized to be paid to him by the Board of County Commissioners of Lake County, Ohio and/or for the State of Ohio, for the prosecution in the Municipal Court of Willoughby of cases arising under State law, statute or County or Township resolutions, or he may assign all or any part thereof to the assistant.
(Bill 1976-120. Passed 6-1-76.)