The following building features may project into required front and side yards of a building in accordance with Schedule 1169.07. Schedule 1169.07 sets forth the maximum distance which a building feature shall be permitted to project into a required front or side yard, and the minimum distance which a building feature shall be permitted to be located from a side lot line.
Schedule 1169.07
Architectural Projections
Projecting Features
Maximum Projection Into
Minimum Distance from Side Lot Line
Other Regulations
(a) Belt courses, cornices, gutters, solid overhangs and chimneys balconies and bay windows.
4 feet
3 feet
3.5 feet
Minimum distance from side lot line shall be increased 2 inches for each foot the feature exceeds 10 feet in length.
(b) Fire-escapes and exterior stairways leading from a second floor of a converted building.
4 feet
4 feet
Shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
(c) Solid shading device(1).
4 feet
3 feet
2.5 feet
Minimum distance from side lot line shall be increased 1 inch for each foot the feature exceeds 10 feet in length.
(d) Open shading device having more than 75% of its horizontal surface open
12 feet
10 feet
2.5 feet
(1) Carports or other similar open structures used for vehicle storage shall comply with the regulations for garages for the district in which the structure is located. Breezeways and covered connections between a garage and a principal building, shall be considered part of the principal building and shall comply with the regulations for principal buildings for the district in which the structure is located.
(Ord. 1997-117. Passed 9-16-97.)